Archbishop Gänswein recounts Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's last words spoken during the night several hours before he died. It was precisely his seeking Jesus, "the beloved", that was the distinguishing hallmark of Joseph Ratzinger's priestly service, as Pope Francis himself recalled in 2016.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, the 265th leader of the Roman Catholic Church, left a mixed legacy after his death at the age of 95 on December 31, 2022.
For critics, Benedict was a conservative who despised liberals. For supporters, the late former pontiff was one of the Catholic Church’s greatest theologians, and also a humble servant without qualms about relinquishing power. The German-born Joseph Ratzinger was the first pope to resign in 600 years.
The Vatican is set to hold his wake at the Saint Peter’s Basilica from January 2 to 4, followed by his funeral and burial on January 5. The body of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI lies in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican on Monday, January 2.
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