Chismis shall never be history or news.


Chismis, hearsay or gossip is unverified story from any people who shares story rapidly. Meanwhile, history is study of past events based on research. History may be opinionated when we have validation whereas Proverbs quoted that history repeats itself and yet we are making our own history. 

Chismis are highly negative story and it shall lead to oral defamation or slander. It shall ruin people's dignity. On the other hand, it is totally different from News since News are accurate, truthful, and verified information from accountable sources such as journalists and news organisations. Therefore, News and history might be related but not equal. 

Great and beautiful history came from our grandparents and ancestors like the experiences in 20th century hence we say, experience is the best teacher. 

People easily believe on a story in a conversation and they shall start to become judgemental. Story has not been validated on a daily conversations each and every day so as gossips. Thinking and analysing a story before spreading is not innate. Moreover, it comes with exaggerated emotions to be likely true although it is unlikely.  

Everything changed when alimĂșom or gossip was christened as “chismes” in Spanish-speaking high society and blue-bloods. Inevitably, some things must be kept secret inside their bahay na bato, especially secrets that cannot be confessed to the parish priest or the secret he created. Nevertheless, servants overheard it, murmured, and chismes wandered off into the ears of the neighbors so at present, it is called gossip neighbors as form of humor. 

Global Disinformation Order was the study of Oxford in 2019 stated that there is evidence of organized social media manipulation which have been taken place in 70 countries. It can be used in political agenda, authoritarian regimes and suppressing the real news so Netizens quickly caught in reel story.  
