Disney ad from UK about filipino christmas 2020

 9-Nov-2020 | WaltDisney produced a 3-minute video ad about filipino christmas spirit. The story ad tells about Filipino grandma who does the christmas tradition and culture in Filipino way and grandma's love. Making Christmas lanterns or Parol, singing christmas Carol, and the like however when she moves out of the country, she teaches filipino christmas to her grandchildren hence it shall never be forgotten. It is heartwarming video ad from Disney about Filipino christmas way. Family is very much important in the Philippines as well as others.

Set on the poignant song “Love Is A Compass” by UK-based musician Griff, the three-minute-long video features a story that starts in a 1940s Philippines, with a little girl receiving a Mickey Mouse toy for Christmas.

After 65 years, 2005, the little girl grew up to be a grandmother and passed on that stuffed toy to her granddaughter. However, the girl discards the toy, now old and worn, which her lola gave. After realizing what she has done, the young woman mends the toy and lit up her grandma’s house with parols to surprise her, bringing the Christmas story to a full circle. “Christmas is a time for giving and giving back, and we’re delighted to debut this festive ad campaign supporting our long-term charity partner Make-A-Wish,” says Tasia Filippatos, SVP Disney EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) in a story by Daily Mail UK.

 Watch Disney ad: https://youtu.be/tl57Gy5X_Kg
